Founder Mrs. Holly Hutchens

Current Owner/Director Mrs. Wendy Dietrich & her husband Mark Dietrich

Who We Are

Soli Deo Gloria is a Latin phrase meaning “for God’s glory alone”. We train young girls and women in classical ballet.

SDG Academy began as Karar Academy. Karar Academy (Karar=dance in Hebrew) was created by Senior Director, Holly Hutchens in 2010.  She began her classical ballet training as an adult and began training students twenty years later.  Her small group of dancers used the fellowship hall of her church, dancing on carpet!  The Academy eventually moved to a house-studio in Amery, Wis.  Her small group of dancers expanded to over 50 dancers. 

Mrs. Holly not only trained her dancers in classical ballet, her desire was to show her students, by her words and example, that we worship God by how we live our everyday lives.  She wanted to inspire young women to have an active and growing relationship with the Lord that spills over onto all who come near them.

After her husband had to relocate due to his job, Mrs. Holly attempted to direct from out of state.  It was evident that this arrangement was not sustainable and so through much prayer, a decision was made to exchange ownership of the Clear Lake location to current Director, Wendy Dietrich.

Mrs. Holly was forced to take early retirement in the spring of 2023 due to ongoing health issues and the name, “Karar Academy” retired with her.

We continue to operate, under our new name, Soli Deo Gloria Academy of Ballet, with the same vision and classroom environment that began over 13 years ago.  Mrs. Holly created the Aspire Teacher Training Program (ATT) that takes current students and trains them how to teach classical ballet in the classroom.  We currently have two instructors that are enrolled in the ATT program and teaching classical ballet in our studio. 

The Student Company travels and performs songs choreographed by Holly with her unique God-given talents. Performances and productions give moving and stirring experiences that draw you to the heart of the Father.